For over a century the roads of northern Europe have been home to the toughest bicycle races in the world. The most famous of these, Paris to Roubaix, takes place each spring over brutal cobblestone roads that have been preserved in their historic condition for over 100 years. Inspired by this classic race, the Paris to Ancaster has taken place since 1994 over the roughest farm lanes, trails and gravel roads we can find. We welcome the largest field of riders assembled in Canada for the Paris to Ancaster 2024. Join us on April 28 2024 to become part of the history of this unique race, Canada's Spring Cycling Classic.
Paris Ancaster News
Paris Ancaster News
Paris Ancaster News
Paris Ancaster News
Paris Ancaster News


Our friend and P2A enthusiast Mike Downs from the Group ThirtyOne
Photo Collective was kind enough to spend days going through his
huge collection of photos that he took at the Powerline Mud Slide.
He has really captured the essence of this difficult part of the course.
There are grimaces, ear to ear grins and even a few "deer in the headlights"
far away looks. Links to his 3 photo galleries are up on our IMAGES page.


Seems like its almost a tradition now - rain on race day.
It really depends where you were and when.
Yes, mud. Bad at times but not as bad as last year.

We hope you had a great time. It took a crew of over a hundred people to make
it happen. Thanks to our volunteers, our sponsors, the private landowners,
several different police departments, marshals, the sag wagon crews,
the sweep riders, the announcers, the timing crew
and probably some people we are going to forget.
Thanks to you all for some fine racing!

If you had an epic P2A you can always get a keepsake photo
from FinisherPix. They had a team of photographers out on course
and just about everybody is in their gallery.

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Sponsors Utter Morris John Trim Group Argon 18 Starward Homes Creemore Springs Brewery The Biking Lawyer Leggat Auto Group

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